03 Riemerplatz
"Ohrwaschlplatz" - the mayor's ear
BAKABU at Riemerplatz
“Now we’re at Riemerplatz. Many leather craftsmen, called Riemer, used to work here, which is why it’s named so. Riemer made belts or straps from leather by hand, like the straps of Charlie’s backpack,” explains Lups. “AHHH,” suddenly screams Charlie Gru. “What is it now?” asks Mimi Lou, rolling her eyes. “Up there,” shivers the clay pigeon, pointing to something between two houses: “S-s-spider web!” Lups calms the three visitors: “Don’t worry. This web wasn’t made by a spider but by an artist. Like the sculpture ‘The Mayor’s Ear’.” “Wow,” marvels Charlie Gru. “That must have been a huge mayor. Too bad he lost his ear.” Lups smiles and explains that it wasn’t his real ear. Bakabu gets closer and closer and… there it is: sounds. Gentle tones come from the Mayor’s Ear. “Did you hear that?” calls the earworm excitedly. He writes the notes in the album – they fit the song. They’ve found another puzzle piece.
On the trail of history
Einziger Platz der Stadt mit lückenlosem Althausbestand aus der Barockzeit. Die moderne Marmorskulptur als Mittelpunkt ist unter St. Pöltnern als Ohr des Bürgermeisters bekannt und verleiht dem Platz den Namen "Ohrwaschl Platz".
Geschichte des Riemerplatzes
Ehemaliges Palais Herberstein | aus ursprünglich vier mittelalterlichen Häusern errichtete Vierflügelanlage des 17. Jh.s mit Barockfassade von Joseph Munggenast (um 1720/25).